Winterizing your unit, means to prepare your home for the winter months by ensuring that your HVAC unit is ready for the cold weather ahead. This in turn will improve the longevity of your HVAC system.

It is important to winterize your unit because although central air conditioners are known to be hardy, still there are a few components that do not respond well to the cold. This ensures the unit is well protected from wintry precipitation, and is a simple step that can be done to ensure that your air conditioning continues to function at its highest efficiency for years to come.

Steps to winterize your unit:

  1. Keep your HVAC unit clean and tidy.
    • Clean all of the leaves and any other debris from off and around your unit. This protects your system from degradation or breakage. Debris can hide current damage, clog the unit or promote rust.
  2. Keep filters clean, bolts tight and schedule a maintenance check before turning off your system.
    • To ensure a good clean running system for next summer. Proper maintenance and cleanings will keep your unit running longer and stronger.
  3. Check your unit frequently.
    • Harsh storms and weather can potentially damage your unit. Make sure no damage has occurred from harsh weather.
  4. Make sure all of the vents on your air conditioner are sealed.
    • By keeping the cold air out, you are actually improving the efficiency of your furnace during the winter months, saving you money on utilities.
  5. Cover your lines.
    • If there is a risk of freezing, there is a risk of damage. Covering your unit protects your condenser and unit from harsh weather and storms. This keeps your unit well insulated.

Winterizing your unit is essential to preventing HVAC issues. By following these simple 5 steps you can save yourself time and money replacing and repairing broken parts. The importance of a working air conditioning system is obvious. Which is why these tips should be followed to alleviate any minor issues before they become a bigger and much more expensive problem.

If you are not in a state that snows, it is still important to follow the steps before the winter months hit. Although you may not have snow there are many other elements that can damage your air conditioning unit. These helpful steps are to be done before turning off you’re AC unit to ensure you have removed any threats to your air conditioning system, to ensure all is working properly and your system is well insulated, costing you less money in the long run.

Winterizing does take some work and effort but it definitely pays off when the summer months come around and you have a perfectly running and functional air conditioning unit. In the little time it takes to secure your units’ protection you can be worry free when it comes to your HVAC system and ready to enjoy the winter while looking forward to summer coming around again.